dog licking nose wearing sunglasses, caption reads "how to keep your dog cool during summer"Summer is back again y’all! This Texas heat can be a lot to handle, especially if you’ve got a fur coat. Consider what it feels like to be your dog when spending time outdoors this season. There are lots of ways to make your pup feel more comfortable and keep them safe during the dog days of summer. Here are some of our recommendations:

Ice Ice Baby

When you get back from a summertime walk, the only thing you want to drink is literally anything that’s ice-cold, right? Your pup enjoys ice too! Put some crushed ice in your pup’s water bowl after a hot walk. Avoid full ice cubes as they can be a potential choking hazard. Make sure the ice you provide for your hot dog is frozen from clean filtered water that is safe to drink. What about ice baths? Siberian Huskies that live in the South have a higher tolerance for leaping into a kiddie pool filled with ice. Most dog breeds are not built for this and are at risk of going into temperature shock. Rather than going to the extreme, let your dog get their paws wet in cool (not ice-cold) water to help them cool down in a safe manner. 

Run Through the Sprinklers

Have you ever walked on asphalt barefoot when it is 90 degrees outside? You might as well walk across a bed of hot coals. This is what your dog experiences with walks and other types of outdoor activities at peak times of heat. Sub the afternoon walk for some yard time with the sprinklers on full force! A hose can be just as much fun as a pool, especially when a dog is involved. If you’re looking for some extra fun, type “water sprinklers for dogs” in your search bar – we promise you won’t be disappointed.

On the Shady Side of the Street

The sun can be brutal even during the “coolest” times of a Texas summer day. If you can’t plan your walking route ahead of time, look for shady spots along the way to take a break. If you take the same route every day, be conscious of walking on the shady side of the street. Remember, if it’s too hot for your feet, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws!

DIY Cooling Pad

This method may not be for all dogs (especially those who hate baths) but a wet blanket or towel is a simple way for your dog to cool down without the hassle of using ice. Put a cool (not ice-cold) wet old blanket or beach towel and drape it over your dog or lay it down for them to enjoy. A dog’s footpads are one of the ways they can dissipate heat. If you cool those beans down, your dog will feel cooler. Get it? Cool beans. If you decide to drape the wet towel or blanket over your pup, be sure not to leave it on for a long period of time as the towel will warm up and eventually no longer cool them down. 

Find more ways to keep your pup cool in these posts:

5 Places To Take Your Dog Swimming In and Around San Antonio

Cool Down with These Easy Frozen Treats for Dogs

How Hot is Too Hot for a Dog Walk?

Hana Buck

Author: Hana Buck

Hana Buck is a San Antonio native that is obsessed with two things; Lindy Hop and her dog, Logan. After attending the University of Texas at San Antonio majoring in Physics, Hana discovered the world of digital marketing and was presented with the opportunity to work with a local agency. Outside of her day job as a Social Media Coordinator, Hana spends most of her time dancing, cooking, and supporting small businesses. This includes her volunteer work serving on the San Antonio Swing Dance Society board as Vice President for the second year in a row. Hana is currently open to various social media marketing and writing projects.