Jack Russell Terrier in need of water looks longingly at bottle of water on a table.


Hydration is very important for all animals–especially when the temperatures are as high as they are this time of the year in San Antonio. You might not realize it, but keeping a dog hydrated is just as important as keeping him well-fed. In fact, dehydration can lead to kidney stones and even organ failure. So, it’s super important to make sure that your pooch is properly hydrated at all times. But how do you do that and how much water a day does your dog need?

How Much Water Does a Dog Need?

While some dogs will gladly drink more than their fair share of water, some are picky about water and don’t always get enough to drink. A good guideline for much water a dog should be ingesting a day, is .5 to 1 ounce of water per body weight a day. So, if you have a 20 pound dog, that would translate to between 10 and 20 ounces of water a day. 

However, hydration needs are also dependent on how active the dog is, how much time the dog is spending outside, and what sort of food the dog is eating. A diet that consists of only dry kibble could use a boost in hydration. 

How to Spot Dehydration

If you are ever concerned that your dog is dehydrated, there are a few tell-tale signs to watch for. If you can pick up the scruff of his neck and it doesn’t immediately fall back into place, but instead “tents” and stays lifted for a bit, this is a classic sign of dehydration. Also, look in his mouth at his gums. If he’s dehydrated, they’ll appear dry. but if he’s properly hydrated, the gums will be slick. If you suspect dehydration, offer small amounts of water to the dog and consider a trip to the vet. 

Help for a Dog Who Doesn’t Drink Enough

If your dog isn’t interested in drinking water, try supplementing his food with low-sodium chicken broth. Ice cubes used as treats and in the water can also make his water bowl more enticing and fresher. Additionally, pet water fountains are beneficial in enticing a pet to drink, as well as to freshen the water bowl.  

July is Pet Hydration Awareness Month and making sure that your dog is getting enough water every day is an important part of having an active dog in south Texas–especially in the summertime. Perhaps a good way to make sure that your dog has plenty of fresh water is to check on their water bowl every time you refill your own water bottle? This will help you to remember to keep your pooch AND yourself hydrated all summer long! 

Looking for more ways to keep your dog cool this summer? Check out these links…

8 Ways to Beat the Heat

3 Doggone Delicious (and Easy!) Homemade Dog Ice Cream Recipes

5 Places To Take Your Dog Swimming In and Around San Antonio

Jenny Jurica

Author: Jenny Jurica

Jenny is a married mother of two humans, one rescued Weimaraner, and four (yes, four) rescued cats. She is a native Texan who is a columnist/contributor for several publications and enjoys spending her free time curled up on the couch with a dog and a couple of cats. Much like the poet Sylvia Plath, Jenny often finds that she, “likes people too much or not at all,” but has never met an animal that she didn’t instantly adore (except for maybe the Komodo dragon at the zoo).