Woman holding a Chihuahua dog. Chihuahuas are a good match for star sign Aires.

The zodiac sign under which someone is born can tell a lot about their personality and their life’s trajectory. Some people even rely on their daily horoscope to help guide them through their day, and many wouldn’t dream of dating someone whose zodiac sign wasn’t compatible with their own. So, this begs the question: what dog breed is a good match for each of the zodiac signs? Find your sign below and see if you agree…


  • Chihuahua

This iconic fire sign is notorious for their direct nature and desire to prove themselves. They are likely to live life without a filter and never apologize for their emotions–especially anger. The Chihuahua reflects a lot of these traits and is sure to have your back in any tiff or argument. When you’re angry, they’re angry with you. They are ready to take on the world fearlessly just like you. Aries can always count on a Chihuahua to be on the same page.


  • Maltese

Ruled by Venus, Taurus is known for their home-body tendencies. They embody stability and are often reluctant to change. A Maltese will happily snuggle in your lap literally any time, whether it’s in the middle of the work day or cuddles before bed. They will also compliment your regal and graceful qualities. As much as they are down to plop down on the couch and binge your favorite comfort show, they have their own version of fun. Once they find what they enjoy, they go all in. This can be a specific toy, park, or friend, so be ready to oblige them.

A Jack Russell terrier dog looking off in the distance.


  • Jack Russell Terrier

Geminis are intelligent and aren’t shy when it comes to telling you about how much they know. They are very adaptable in social situations and are comfortable being both introverts and extroverts. Geminis are always down for whatever! Do y’all remember Wishbone? The bookworm Jack Russell Terrier who taught 90’s kids about classic literature? That’s the dog I think would be the most ideal match for a Gemini.


  • Bernese Mountain Dog

The primary stereotype for Cancers is their sensitivity–they cry a lot. They are also known to care more for others than they do themselves. Naturally, that often ends up backfiring. A Bernese Mountain Dog is a big fuzzy ball of love that’s perfect for comforting snuggles. They are loyal and caring and are sure to be by your side through thick and thin.


  • Afghan Hound

Oh, Leos. Our beloved glamorous queens. You need a dog that will compliment your eccentric style and who has an interest in luxury. The Afghan Hound is a stunning breed that turns heads as they walk down the street. Despite their high-maintenance demeanor, they are extremely sweet and silly, aligning their vibe perfectly with many Leo traits.


  • Australian Cattle Dog

Virgos are most fulfilled when they feel productive. Their thoughts are fast-paced and they can rarely sit still until they’ve completely burnt themselves out. Australian Cattle Dogs can match this energy with ease. They are full of energy, but as long as you keep them on a schedule and appease their need for physical and mental stimulation, they’ll happily tire themselves out.

A Yorkie dog is compatible with the zodiac sign Libra


  • Yorkshire Terrier

Can’t we all just get along?‘ –Every Libra ever. Libras are masters of compromise. They see all perspectives which can make them regrettably indecisive at times. At the end of the day, Libras are super sweet, but will come for you if you try them. Yorkies are similar in this sense–treats and scritches all day, but ring the doorbell and it’s over.


  • Dalmatian

The most intimidating water sign is direct, yet complex. Scorpios are difficult signs to get to know because of their bluntness and emotional walls. They are more interested in probing you and finding out what makes you tick. A Dalmatian’s naturally protective nature aligns with this perfectly. You can count on them to be more of a watchdog than a welcoming committee. They also possess athletic qualities making them great workout buddies.

Photo of collie panting. Collies are a good match for the zodiac sign, Sagittarius.


  • Collie

Explorers at heart, a Sagittarius wants to understand how the world works. They have an insatiable hunger for knowledge, but are perpetually restless. Complimentary to a Sagittarius, Collies exhibit the qualities of loyalty, intelligence, and gentleness. With the life a Sagittarius leads, a Collie is sure to keep up.


  • German Shepherd

Work! Work! Work! Capricorns tend to keep busy and aren’t comfortable keeping still. As long as they have a job to do, they’re happy (or so they say). They are masters of discipline–the ultimate perfectionists–and are often seen as “workaholics.” Enter the German Shepherd! This dog is famous for being dogkind’s all-purpose worker with their large stature, agility, and muscles. You can depend on them for physical and (believe it or not) emotional labor. Needless to say, you’re covered!


  • Puli

There’s a uniqueness to this air sign. Aquarius are their own person, away from the mainstream hustle and bustle, dancing to the beat of their own drum. This may make them seem aloof and uninterested, but all you have to do is accept them for their eccentricities and be there when they’re ready. Don’t take them too seriously, but make them feel understood and comfortable enough to slow down and be present. No other breed can be mistaken for a Puli–they are their own dog–like you! Aquarius and Puli are meant to be.


  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This is another water sign whose behavior changes depending on who they’re around. Pisces also have a tendency to dilute themselves with larger personalities to avoid having to form coherent identities. Best known for their companionship to Queen Elizabeth II and generations of The Royal Family, Pembroke Welsh Corgis go with the flow and are super loyal. No matter where you are emotionally, they got you.

Remember: you don’t have to get one of these purebred pooches from a breeder. There are many shelters and breed-specific rescue groups that can help match you to your new soul mate!

Does your star sign and favorite dog breed match up? Tell us about it in the comments!

Read more about demystifying your dog here:

Why Does Your Dog Tilt Her Head?

3 Reasons to Try the Embark Dog DNA Test

Dog Adoption in San Antonio


Hana Buck

Author: Hana Buck

Hana Buck is a San Antonio native that is obsessed with two things; Lindy Hop and her dog, Logan. After attending the University of Texas at San Antonio majoring in Physics, Hana discovered the world of digital marketing and was presented with the opportunity to work with a local agency. Outside of her day job as a Social Media Coordinator, Hana spends most of her time dancing, cooking, and supporting small businesses. This includes her volunteer work serving on the San Antonio Swing Dance Society board as Vice President for the second year in a row. Hana is currently open to various social media marketing and writing projects.