puppies sniffing at houseplant, caption reads "5 pet-friendly plants for your home"

If this pandemic has done anything [positive] at all it’s turned us all into plant parents. Plants have been proven to reduce stress and boost productivity. Considering how much more time we’re all spending at home, it’s no wonder why we want more plants all of a sudden. The variety of houseplants is vast and intimidating so it’s important to do your research on which plant is right, not only for you but for your pets, too. Here are a few easy and pet-friendly plants for your next local greenhouse splurge:

Pet-Friendly Plants for Your Home

wooden bowl of air plants

1. Air Plants

Tillandsias definitely count as plants despite their lack of need for soil. Most air plants will stay smaller than 12 inches and thrive in bright, indirect light with a quick soak in water about once a week. They are easy, chic, and out of reach from chomping fur-babies.

closeup of potted herb plants

2. Basil, Sage, and Thyme

A mini-herb garden in the kitchen brings a different kind of freshness to your home cooking. There are some herbs, like lavender and oregano, that are a no-no for pet owners. However, a few common household favorites like basil, sage, and thyme are in the clear. They are happiest when they get at least six hours of sunlight per day so be sure they get that window seat.

spider plant on side table

3. Spider Plant

Don’t let the name scare you! This pet-friendly houseplant is got its name from the way it looks and is one of the easiest you can grow. The spider plant grows best in bright, indirect light, but it can also tolerate low light. It also produces lots of baby spider plants if you ever want to share or expand your collection.

light pink gerbera daisy with light blue background

4. Barberton Daisy

This beautiful plant, also known as the Gerbera Daisy, is sure to bring a pop of color to any household. Ideal conditions include direct sunlight, moist soil, and average temperatures. It can flower any time of year and the flowers last four to six weeks!

closeup of friendship plant

5. Friendship Plant

The friendship plant or Pilea involucrata is a bushy little thing that thrives in warm, humid conditions and needs bright filtered light. It also propagates very easily so you’ll have plenty of little new plants to gift all year round. The name makes a little more sense now, doesn’t it?

Find more dog-friendly living ideas in the posts below:

Preparing Your Dog For Your Return to Work

Ask a Trainer: How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Barking?

Easy But Cute Dog Tricks to Learn at Home

Hana Buck

Author: Hana Buck

Hana Buck is a San Antonio native that is obsessed with two things; Lindy Hop and her dog, Logan. After attending the University of Texas at San Antonio majoring in Physics, Hana discovered the world of digital marketing and was presented with the opportunity to work with a local agency. Outside of her day job as a Social Media Coordinator, Hana spends most of her time dancing, cooking, and supporting small businesses. This includes her volunteer work serving on the San Antonio Swing Dance Society board as Vice President for the second year in a row. Hana is currently open to various social media marketing and writing projects.