Image of dog pulling rope toy from owner's hand in blog post about how to disinfect dog toys

To love a dog is to also accept his love and adoration for his toys–even when they get totally gross and dirty. Unless you have a subscription to a monthly dog toy box, there’s a chance that you don’t have a constant stream of new toys coming your way. So, it’s important to preserve and periodically disinfect your dog toys to them so that they last longer and don’t harbor bacteria that can make anyone in your home sick. 

Here are some quick and easy methods for cleaning and disinfecting your pooch’s nasty toys:

Hand Wash Nylon and Plastic Toys to Disinfect

Hand washing chew toys that are made from plastic, rubber or nylon is typically recommended. Use dish soap and scrub them with hot water to fully disinfect dog toys. Unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise, do not attempt to wash these toys in the dishwasher. Your dishwasher uses very hot water that can cause chemicals to be released in the materials. While Kong toys can reportedly be washed on the top rack of a dishwasher, dishwashers can also melt many other toys, compromising the integrity of their construction.  

Machine Wash Plush Toys

There is nary a dog who doesn’t have a beloved plush toy. These plush toys often serve as a pacifier and a sleep buddy, so they can get really gross, really quickly. The best way to clean plush toys is in the washing machine. If the plush is already well-loved and maybe a bit frayed, consider washing it in a mesh bag on a gentle cycle, in case the beloved lovey falls apart in the wash. It’s typically best to air dry plush toys, but a quick tumble with little to low heat in the dryer can speed up drying time a bit.

An Interesting Way of Disinfecting Rope Toys

A fan favorite for epic games of tug-o-war, rope toys are tons of fun. But they can also harbor tons of bacteria. Their absorbent fibers hold on to saliva and all other manners of moisture. This can become a breeding ground for germs. Experts recommend putting a rope toy (that is free from any metal or plastic) in the microwave to disinfect. The microwave will get rid of the gunk that you can’t see, but a quick wash in the washing machine will get rid of the dirt that you can see. 

Lastly, use your judgement when evaluating your dog’s toys. Sometimes, hard as it might be, it’s simply best to toss a toy that has become so gross that it’s beyond repair or chewed into oblivion. Consider taking your dog with you to pick out a new toy and see what he gravitates to. Additionally, monthly subscription boxes are a fun way to introduce new and exciting toys to your pet and also a good excuse to toss the ones that are past their prime.

To learn more about Spring Cleaning for you and your pets, check out these posts:

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog’s Bed?

Dog-Friendly Cleaning with Art of Green

Dog-scaping: A San Antonian’s Guide to Dog-Friendly Landscaping

Jenny Jurica

Author: Jenny Jurica

Jenny is a married mother of two humans, one rescued Weimaraner, and four (yes, four) rescued cats. She is a native Texan who is a columnist/contributor for several publications and enjoys spending her free time curled up on the couch with a dog and a couple of cats. Much like the poet Sylvia Plath, Jenny often finds that she, “likes people too much or not at all,” but has never met an animal that she didn’t instantly adore (except for maybe the Komodo dragon at the zoo).