Discover  Dog-Friendly Houseplants

Simply put, pet-friendly plants are non-toxic plants, which means they lack any known poisons that might be ingested or come into contact with.

What Makes a Plant Pet-Friendly?

What Makes a Plant Pet-Friendly?

1. Major Toxicity - can cause serious illness or death if ingested 2. Minor Toxicity - can cause minor illnesses like vomiting or diarrhea 3. Rashes + Skin Irritation - occurs when dog's skin comes into contact

3 Types of Plant Toxicity for Dogs

Many common houseplants can be toxic for dogs if they ingest them. Some key ones to avoid or keep out of your dog's reach include: • LiliesSago PalmsIvy

Common Plants to Avoid with Dogs

Common Plants to Avoid with Dogs

Check Out These Plants That Are Safe + Non-Toxic to Dogs

1. Prayer Plant

1. Prayer Plant

2. Money Tree

2. Money Tree

3. Christmas Cactus

3. Christmas Cactus

4. Cat Palm

4. Cat Palm

5. Majesty Palm

5. Majesty Palm

Find 25+ More Dog-Friendly Plants at

Find 25+ More Dog-Friendly Plants at