skunk in grass with caption "how to remove skunk smell from your dog"

Let’s say that you live in an über urban part of San Antonio. You probably don’t think too much about your dog getting sprayed by a skunk, huh? Well, we hate to be the bearer of bad news but, skunks are everywhere–in the country AND in the city–so, even if your dog isn’t galavanting all over the countryside, he or she might still encounter a spicy little “Pepe le Pew” at some point.  

Mating season for skunks is February and March, so this is the time of year when your dog has the best shot of being “skunked.” Contrary to popular thought, skunks don’t technically hibernate in the winter. They do become less active in the cooler months, but if spooked or otherwise threatened, they’ll certainly spray–no matter what the weather is like. 

Dog Sprayed by Skunk? Here’s What to Do

You’ll likely know if your dog has been skunked right away. Odor aside, you might notice that the dog’s eyes, nose, and lips are red and irritated. They’ll often roll on the ground, trying to rid himself of the odor and burning. And, the old “tomato juice bath” isn’t always the most effective method of getting rid of the skunk smell, in fact, it can also semi-permanently dye your pet red. Luckily, there is a far more effective method for de-skunking your pooch and it includes items that you probably already have at home:

Home Remedy for Dog Sprayed by Skunk

1 quart of hydrogen peroxide

¼ cup of baking soda

1 tsp of dish soap (Dawn dishwashing soap is the best)

The best method for de-skunking your dog is to wet your dog and apply this pasty solution and let it sit for as long as possible, concentrating on the areas that are most stinky. Be sure to avoid getting the solution in your dog’s eyes, ears, and mouth. After letting that sit, reapply as needed, following the solution with a bath using a dog shampoo. The odor should be gone in no time–and stay gone. 

Fortunately, getting sprayed by a skunk doesn’t typically cause any long-term damage to your pet (now, the jury is still out on long-term damage to your home and furniture), but it’s a good idea to have the supplies ready to deal with a skunking, just in case. 

Has your dog ever gotten skunked? Do you have a fool-proof way to de-funk after tangling with a skunk? 

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