This Dog Owner Profile is a part of our series featuring local dog owners in San Antonio. Want to be featured? Apply here!  

Name: Amy Lynn

Occupation: Digital Media Consultant, Founder & Owner of The Dog Guide & The Dog Guide San Antonio

Dog’s Name & Breed: Terry, a Chihuahua Min-Pin mix


1. How did Terry become a part of your life? 

My kids fell in love with a stray dog that greeted us on the soccer field one Saturday morning back in 2017. She was such a sweetheart and was so gentle with everyone, and was obviously in need of a home. We decided to bring her home to give it a try, but she was a street dog at heart and escaped from our backyard with no trace later that day. I grew up with a black lab as a kid, and seeing how much my kids loved on that sweet stray planted the seed of getting our own family dog.

Fast forward a couple months to December 2017, and I found myself searching for adoptable dogs just before the holidays. I stumbled across Terry on Benjamin Yanto’s Instagram account (he’s a huge foster dog dad) and got in touch with him. I took the kids out on a surprise trip to an adoption day event to meet her and she came home with us that day! Someone had actually already filled out the adoption paperwork for her just before they got there, but their application fell through and this sweet 5-month-old pup became a part of the family.

2. What’s your dog’s most unique characteristic?

When she gets riled up and excited with us she can sound like the Looney Tunes’ Tasmanian Devil—complete with zooming along our L-shaped living room couch.

3. What’s your favorite dog product?

Other than food and treats, I don’t actually buy a lot of dog products. I did just get some Probiotic Itch Relief by Skout’s Honor over at SouthPaw Waggery. Terry can have terrible itching from allergies this time of year, and I’m loving using this on her so far.

4. What’s been your biggest challenge as a dog owner?

I think my biggest challenge has been accepting that I have an anxious dog. Terry can get really nervous around other dogs at times, or skittish about surprising noises. I’ve had to train myself and learn how to redirect her attention. She’s come a long way, but she’s not a dog that’s just super chill all the time, and that’s okay. I think I let myself feel the pressure of being the owner of The Dog Guide SA sometimes—that I should be out on the town with her all the time. She’s not always up for that, and I don’t need to try to change who she is.

5. Tell us about your favorite dog-friendly location to visit in San Antonio. 

I am a total Pearl-girl. I love taking Terry to hang out on their dog-friendly restaurant patios, grab a cup of coffee from Local Coffee Founders, and we have our favorite walking route along the museum reach of the river right there, too.