Photo by Gabriel Garcia

This Dog Owner Profile is a part of our series featuring local dog owners in San Antonio, and is sponsored by Broadway Bank. 

Name: Ana Marcela Gonzalez

Occupation: Business Development Manager at Brooks

Dog’s Name & Breed: Nala, Cocker Spaniel mix

How did your dog become a part of your life?

I feel like the universe aligned to make me a dog mom – the Paw Park at Brooks had just transitioned from concept to reality when Nala entered my life, the timing couldn’t have been better! Being part of the park’s journey from an idea to a functional space for the community was deeply fulfilling, but nothing compares to seeing the joy and excitement Nala has every time we visit the Paw Park. My hope is that having this pet-friendly space so close to home will inspire others in the area to consider adoption too.

What makes your dog unique?

Nala is incredibly loving and has a unique way of showing it. You know how people say, “eyes are the windows to the soul?” Well, with Nala that really rings true. When she makes eye contact, it’s more than just a look – it’s a heartfelt connection. It’s as if she is telling me she loves me without saying a single word, I can just feel her affection and loyalty in the way she looks at me. Those moments make it clear how special she is.

What’s your favorite way to spoil your dog?

Nala clearly has a passion for running – it’s something we both share, so I love having a running buddy to keep me motivated. After a run she gets to enjoy her favorite treat – a combo of carrots and peanut butter. While she enjoys food, her ultimate joy comes from simple cuddles. We both just love being able to hang out on the couch together.

What’s the most rewarding thing about being a dog owner for you?

The most rewarding part of being Nala’s mom is how excited she gets when I come home. After a long day, there is nothing like opening the front door to her wagging tail and enthusiastic greeting. It’s a daily reminder that no matter what else may be happening, there’s unconditional love waiting for me at home. Her excitement is always the highlight of my day and makes all the responsibilities that come with owning a dog more than worth it.

Tell us about your favorite thing to do with your dog in San Antonio.

The moment Nala hears the jingle of her leash, she knows it’s time for the best part of our day – a run! While she may not be built for long-distance, she loves running short spurts, especially when we visit the Paw Park at Brooks or the connecting Greenline Park. These locations are our go-to spots not just for exercise, but also for socializing with other dogs and their owners. The Paw Park has given Nala a community where she can be her energetic self and make new friends.

The Paw Park at The Greenline holds a special significance for Nala and me. It’s not just a dog park, it’s an embodiment of community and environmental responsibility. It has separate areas for large and small dogs, water fountains, shade-providing canopies and nearly two dozen new trees, making it a haven for dogs and their owners alike.

Through a partnership with the San Antonio River Authority, the park also has Low Impact Development (LID) features that protect the park’s pond from contamination while contributing to a more sustainable environment. Being part of a space that aligns so closely with our values makes every visit to the Paw Park that much more rewarding.