Hana Buck contributor for Dog Guide San Antonio and her dog Logan

This Dog Owner Profile is a part of our series featuring local dog owners in San Antonio. Want to be featured? Get in touch!

Name: Hana Buck

Occupation: Freelance Social Media Manager

Dog’s Name & Breed: Logan, a Blue Heeler mix.


1. How did Logan become a part of your life?

My fiancée actually adopted Logan in Brownsville nine years ago, way before either of them knew me. I met Logan five years ago on Hays Street Bridge during an impromptu video shoot. He was the absolute sweetest boy, so full of energy and love. Logan and my fiancée were kind of a package deal.

2. What’s your dog’s most unique characteristic?

Logan’s most unique physical characteristic has to be the perfectly round black spot on his back. Otherwise, his innate ability to tell time is truly astounding. He lives his day-to-day on a rather strict schedule and gets a little fussy if we are running late. Whether it be for a meal, a walk, or his 7 p.m. peanut butter rawhide (yes, 7 p.m. on the dot!). However, on the chance that we do break the schedule and are out visiting a nearby park or dog-friendly patio, he’s pretty laid back and is in no hurry to get back home.

3. What’s your favorite dog product?

Every year we get 2 boxes from BarkBox – one for Christmas and one for Logan’s birthday. Each box is about $30 with shipping and comes with two bags of treats, a chew, and two toys. His birthday is only a couple weeks after Christmas so it’s a double dose of happiness. Luckily he’s not very aggressive with his toys – they’re more for comfort than function – so they last all year and the treats last about half a year. The chew lasts about five minutes, given Logan’s love for rawhides. For us, BarkBox is a great deal for the value.

4. What’s been your biggest challenge as a dog owner?

Learning to be okay leaving him when we go out of town has been the biggest challenge. Most of the time he’ll stay with his grandma down in Brownsville or with a friend here in town, so we know he’s in good hands and comfortable because he’s in familiar territory. Regardless, it took us a long time to shake the feeling of guilt when we’d leave him. Though Logan does not suffer from separation anxiety, he still knows when we’re getting ready for a trip and expresses some nervousness. According to Logan’s grandma, he’s usually pretty bummed the first day we’re gone, but adapts to his new [temporary] routine and carries on as usual. He definitely misses us while we’re gone (we can tell by his reaction when we reunite), but doesn’t resent us or undergo any trauma due to our absence. I will say, I anticipate less travel as he grows older in these next few years.

5. Tell us about your favorite dog-friendly location to visit in San Antonio. 

There are so many great places to visit where we can all hang out together, but our favorite has to be Brackenridge Park on a Saturday morning. We’ll get up a little early, pick up some bagels and coffee and go have breakfast in the park. After we eat, we’ll explore the trails and let Logan run around and sniff all the smells his heart desires. It’s one of my favorite parts of the week!